死亡细胞女王与海DLC全成就达成攻略带给大家,很多小伙伴对于这个女王与海DLC的全成就方法不清楚,每一个成就的达成方法都不一样,现在本站游戏小编就带给大家女王与海DLC全成就达成方法一览,大家看完就知道了。 前方冰山:第一次到达感染船骸!(从第二个BOSS进入船骸需要“王冠钥匙”,DLC开局有说,先去猛毒下水道找“渔夫”,谈话后去雾萦港湾拜访“老灯塔管理员”,在灯塔看守人的房子里打败精英怪装甲虾以获得“王冠钥匙”和抱腿兽❤) 8th wonder: Reach the Lighthouse for the first time! 第八奇迹:第一次到达灯塔! A sparkle in the night: Reach the Crown for the first time! 暗夜闪光:第一次到达塔顶! Firefighter: You finished the Lighthouse! 消防员:你完成了灯塔关!(三螳螂+银之树) Infiltration: Finish the Lighthouse while wearing a Servant outfit 潜入:身穿仆从装束完成灯塔(打败一次灯塔就给的衣服 穿着再过一次灯塔即可) Unwavering loyalty: You finished the Lighthouse without taking any damage! 无比忠诚:没有受到任何伤害,通过灯塔。 Her Majesty: You beat the Queen! 王后陛下:打败菲奥娜!(利刃华尔兹 Long live the Queen: Beat the Queen by pushing her into the void 王后万岁:将王后推入虚空来打败她(斯巴达草鞋,盾反把她干下去就行) Full house: Beat the Queen with the Killing Deck 阖家圆满:使用崔斯特的万能牌打败王后(致命牌组来自于装甲虾(感染船骸那个蓝色的怪)1.7%概率) On Her Majestys Secret Service: Beat the Queen with a Queen outfit 王后密令:身穿王后装束打败王后(打过一次王后就给,和别的boss一样啦) Lilibet: You beat the Queen without taking a single hit! 莉莉贝特:一次都不被击中,打败王后。(劳伦特心眼刀 可爱抱腿兽❤和其他成就 Herder: Have 2 pets active at the same time 放牧者:同时激活2只宠物(这个可以和夜歌酱的“我,会嫉妒?”一起完成) Oh how fast they grow: Get the Leghugger to evolve 长得真快!:抱腿兽进化!CARRION红怪(获得抱腿兽之后打打怪即可) Youre not my family: Get the Leghugger to kill an Armored Shrimp 这个家里没有你:让抱腿兽杀死一只装甲虾 Black flag: Kill a Pirate Captain with the Scavenged Bombard 刺客信条黑旗:用破烂大炮杀死一名海盗船长(破烂大炮来自于海盗船长) Spare!: Kill five enemies with a single throw and recall of the Wrecking Ball 饶命!:用破坏球的一次投掷和召回杀死五名敌人(破坏球来自塞拉斯) Plank walk: Throw an enemy into spikes using the Hand Hook 走木板:用铁钩手将一名敌人丢到刺上(铁钩手来自于装甲虾1.7%概率掉落) Put that thing back where it came from: Help the shark get back to the water 哪儿拿来的放哪儿去不然我可不客气:帮助鲨鱼回到水中(鲨鱼武器深海巨口,第三击是远程,打到水里,深海巨口来自于叛变者1.7%概率掉落) |